Among the hills of Umbria, a local expert will guide you through a short journey of oil painting that will allow you to fix on the canvas the colors that nature offers in an enchanting and suggestive place. Your creativity and sensitivity will help you to paint what you love most ... ... you will be able to capture that moment that will remain unique and original. The route is for adults and children, it is not necessary to have artistic skills. Silvia will follow you step by step to create a complete oil painting.
• Saturday: 09:30 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00 - Sunday from 9:00 to 11:00
• Cost € 80.00 per person - € 150 per couple inclusive of materials (plywood board, liquid plaster, palette, water-based colors Winsor and Newuton, Artisan, water mixable *)
• Minimum 3 and maximum 6 participants
• The oil painting course will be conducted by Silvia Baldelli, an artist who is an expert in expressive art and an art therapist graduated from the Procivitate Christiana Cittadella school in Assisi.
• * Artisan, water mixable colors do not use toxic solvents as they are dilutable and washable with water.